Personal finances is the number one topic in today's headlines and rightly so. Everyday the headlines are filled with report after report of the number of jobs lost, the high unemployment rate, corruption, scandal, the increasing cost of gas, food and other needed resources. 

If you're like most Americans, you were not taught lessons about how money works. The very knowledge needed to understand how to make your money work for you instead of you working for money is not a subject offered in our school system. 

Therefore what you don't know can be harmful or even deadly to your financial health. 

Proper money management can be the difference between struggling to get by and being financially free with the ability provide for yourself and your family or to retire comfortably. It's never too late to learn how to do your taxes, make a budget, improve your credit score, get out of debt, and put together a long-term plan for growing your wealth and retiring on your own terms.
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Are You Financially Healthy? 
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